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Last Updated:2022年2月8日

美国国防工业reached $778 billion in 2020,为供应商提供了巨大的机会和稳定的增长来源。美国政府的国防支出大大高于所有其他发达国家,占全球所有政府军事预算的近40%。随着供应商和承包商继续在该行业中开发和定位其产品,现代库存管理控制系统已成为关键需求。bob电竞网址

Products fabricated for use in defense applications must meet stringent regulatory requirements designed to protect security and确保供应链可追溯性。这re are multiple government, business, and regulatory entities responsible for defining inventory management best practices, including theU.S. Department of Defense (DoD), 这U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO),和U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)





这primary purpose of inventory management is to提供可追溯性并创建一个可靠的框架,以遵循原材料,零件和成品的流动。所有提供bob电竞网址给国防行业的产品均应使用经过验证的最佳实践来跟踪,并且某些指定设备必须符合该项目独特标识(IUID)计划的特定准则,也称为也称为唯一标识(UID)。这IUID program was created by the U.S. DoD to improve the traceability of assets that meet certain criteria. Items that must be tracked using IUID protocols include:

  • 收购成本超过5,000美元的商品
  • 定义为关键任务或受控的项目
  • 由第三方供应商出售给军队的物品

IUID程序的详细信息在美国定义。国防部监管文件,MIL-STD-130,,,,“Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property.” The current version of these standards,MIL-STD-130N,,,,contains important information and should be reviewed in detail by any defense product manufacturer. Additional vendor requirements for IUID tagging are captured in the documentDFARS 252.211-7003,,,,“Item Unique Identification and Valuation.” A careful review of the regulations will help determine the best path forward in creating an inventory management program that is reliable and capable of handling all U.S. DoD requirements.

制造航空航天系统和组件的国防供应商还必须考虑是否应获得9100认证。这AS9100标准,标题为“质量系统 - 航空航天 - 设计,开发,生产,安装和维修的质量保证模型”,基于ISO 9001,其中包括与国防供应商相关的重要要求。这些法规是由汽车工程师协会(SAE)欧洲航空和国防工业协会(ASD)bob电竞平台app。其中包括一个综合库存和质量管理系统(QMS),用于确保可追溯性,数据完整性和质量控制。





  • 实时库存数据
  • Mobile barcode label and RFID tag scanning
  • Integrated military DD forms
  • 军事级安全
  • 监护文档和审计踪迹
  • 设施和维护管理
  • Third-party integrations
  • 库存控制自动化

我也许多航空航天和国防供应商选择nventory tools that can be easily scaled as production plans and the organizational footprint expand. A centralized inventory management platform also provides critical functions for managing inventory counts, workforce efficiency, and logistics tracking. Data security is also of particular concern, especially considering that many inventory management systems can store thousands of different parameters that are important for defense asset tracking. Some of the most common are:

  • Item Unique Identification (IUID)
  • 保修文件
  • 一个udit findings and corrections
  • 项目文档和手册
  • 国家股票号(NSN)
  • 授权材料控制编号(TAMCN)的表
  • Location
  • User assignments and ownership
  • 维护工作单和历史
  • 供应商历史

这reliability of an inventory tracking system relies on the integrity of the data it contains. Many modern software platforms also allow a high level of customization for managing data, such as user permissions and asset categories. Once a stable inventory baseline is established in the program, these assets can be tracked and monitored over time to identify and correct issues while ensuring that the entire system is working properly.




Barcode Labels

IUID标准定义了特定参数design, fabrication, and application of barcode labels用于国防工业。在选择条形码标签时,国防制造商必须确保它们足够耐用,可以持续到被标记的资产的预期寿命。

Important environmental compatibility factors that may impact the selection of label materials include corrosion resistance, chemical compatibility, and temperature resistance. All manufacturers should choose耐用条形码标签满足其预期申请的要求MetalPhoto®阳极氧化铝,,,,for example, is recognized by the National Association of Graphic and Product Identification Manufacturers (GPI) Industry Standards and Practices Manual as the most durable printed aluminum substrate available due to its applicability for extreme environmental conditions and outdoor exposure. Intests conducted by the U.S. Navy,,,,Metalphoto was found to have outstanding durability and versatility for permanent asset identification and tracking.





US Air Force jet in the air






USS Pampanito海军船

一个常见的库存和仓库管理最佳实践是开发一套可用于控制设施性能的指标。这些数据可以在库存管理平台中收集和集中,使管理能够开发分析实践和报告格式。一旦创建了一组常见的参数,就可以开发自定义警报,以帮助立即实时识别库存问题。一些metrics that are especially important for defense manufacturers是:

  • Days of Inventory- 跟踪现场库存的日子对于理解何时会耗尽库存很重要。许多公司使用此数字来确定每个库存的物品的最低库存阈值。
  • 付款日- 该指标估计公司支付自己的供应商所需的时间。这是了解企业现金流动动态的重要措施。几天的应付税价值更大,可以使公司出于其他目的分配可用资本,但是这个数字太大可能会表​​明符合财务承诺的问题。
  • Revenue Per Employee– Calculating revenue per employee helps a business understand the overall efficiency of its operation. This is especially helpful for manufacturers who can work to increase the value of this metric over time.

一个business can also use metrics to track the impact of industry trends on its own growth rates. The aerospace and defense industries are considered stable markets that are still experiencing slow and steady growth. Over the next 10 years, the defense industry is expected to grow at a每年大约2%的复合年增长率(CAGR)。这种增长取决于许多假设。下面,我们将简要审查国防产品制造商的一些重大关注因素。

Production Risks


  • 产品开发或工程延迟
  • 不稳定的生产率
  • 分包商管理
  • 特殊工具或测试设备的销售时光
  • 分包商和供应商的更改


鉴于对国防行业库存管理数字系统的依赖,也必须考虑网络安全漏洞的威胁。许多行业专家认为,国防行业的网络犯罪视野will continue to expand在未来几年。安全含义要求制造商和供应链中的所有合作伙伴来审查和改善网络安全实践。


一个咨询公司麦肯锡发布的报告has identified recent changes to accounting standards as an important defense industry growth factor. The会计标准编纂(ASC)606财务帐户标准委员会(FASB)改变了国防行业参与者认可收入的方式。





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