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Chemical managementis an important part of facility management for businesses that transport, manage, and store hazardous materials. Unlike many other types of assets and materials, chemicals must be closely monitored to reduce the likelihood of safety issues related to compatibility or unexpected leaks. When systems are properly designed and implemented, it’s possible to work with chemicals in a safe and controlled environment.

在这篇文章中,我们将介绍7种化学管理最佳实践,以帮助您查看自己的内部程序。这些技巧有助于确定潜在的改进,并考虑了组织材料处理,供应商管理和安全工作流程。You will also see a strong priority placed on organizing procedures and the use of centralized systems to improve communication and fulfill compliance requirements.



Vendor management is a challenge when working with chemicals due to the unique purity requirements that may be needed for each material. Once suitable vendors are qualified, it’s important todevelop close relationships with your most vital suppliers。This not only helps when sharing demand forecasts and negotiating prices but may also be useful to simplify the procurement process. Some suppliers may have automated systems for their key customers that will allow you to process orders more quickly.

2. Install Workplace Monitoring Devices

Depending on the level of chemical handling that your operation supports, it may be necessary to monitor the local environment forpotentially hazardous risks。这可能包括安装监测技术,以测量空气质量,排气污染以及化学烟雾或气体的存在。除了适当的安全设备外,工作场所监控is an excellent and proactive way to help protect your staff from potential exposures.

3. Manage and Reduce Chemical Waste

化学废物是管理和使用化学品的设施的必要副产品。在许多情况下,化学废物处理可以是one of the largest costs associated with chemical management。For this reason, it’s crucial to try and minimize the amount of waste that is produced. There may also be ways to treat and process the waste locally to reduce the support needed from third-party waste pickup and disposal services. Waste management should most certainly be a critical part of your chemical management planning process.


安全data sheets(SDS) are a vital chemical management resource and should be properly maintained and updated periodically. These reference documents are needed most during chemical exposures, leaks, or other safety incidents. It’s important that your local environmental health and safety (EH&S) team and any responding parties have access to accurate chemical handling information. One of the best ways to achieve this is using a centralized document management platform where you can assign an owner to each document and schedule periodic reviews.

5. Properly Tag and Label Chemical Containers

Chemical barrels with hazard labels

库存化学品时,库存管理尤其重要。应该使用集中化的化学管理系统来存储每个容纳现场的容器的基本信息。一个好方法控制您的化学清单is to mark each container with aunique asset barcode可以随时轻松扫描。

鉴于容器存储的材料的性质,耐用条形码标签such asMetalphoto®阳极氧化铝资产标签are a good choice as they offerthe durability needed为了承受潜在的化学物质和溶剂的暴露,同时在您的化学容器和手提袋的预期寿命中保持可读性。标记容器会减少执行库存计数时所需的时间,并使您更容易找到相关信息,例如SDS文档,批号和分析证书。

6. Develop an Active Training and Learning Program

在存在化学物质的地区工作的员工应该完全trained on all necessary procedures。你的训练计划也应该提供一个手s-on walkthrough of these facility locations to note安全危害通信(HAZCOM)标志and other important notifications (learn more abouthazard communication (HazCom)。这也使您有机会熟悉SDS管理系统,并在需要时找到个人保护设备(PPE)和安全文件。


设施中的大多数化学容器都需要运输到执行工作的不同房间。因此,重要的是提醒员工化学存储程序to prevent any materials from being left in an unsafe location. Some examples include placing chemical containers near hallways, in direct sunlight, or in improper storage cabinets. Reinforcing your storage procedures with清晰的标牌also helps to remind everyone where to place chemical containers during and after use.

Chemical management is a complex process that requires input and support from several company departments. Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement will help your employees develop innovative new ways to handle these materials while maintaining a safe working environment. We hope these tips and best practices make a difference in your own chemical management efforts.

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